CEQA Notices
April 2024 | Scenic Road Pipeline Replacement Project |
Project Location | Portions of: Scenic Rd, Carmelo St, San Antonio Ave, Camino Real, 14th Ave, 15th Ave, Dolores St, and sewer easement through Mission Ranch, in Carmel-by-the-Sea and Unincorporated Monterey County. |
Project Description | The project would replace existing CAWD sewer mains. The project includes the installation and operation of a total of 10,561 linear feet (LF), or approximately 2.0 miles, of pipeline. The pipeline would be constructed via pipe bursting and open trench excavation. All excavation would be within roadway right-of-way and within soils that were previously disturbed during installation of the existing pipeline. There are existing sewer laterals located along the project alignment that connect each home to the sewer main. A total of 235 lateral reconnections would be completed on streets where sewer line replacement would occur. The purpose of the project is to replace aging wastewater infrastructure and improve the long-term reliability of the wastewater system. |
Public Comment Period | April 19, 2024 through May 28, 2024 |
March 2023 | Corona Road Septic to Sewer Project |
The proposed project is located on the west and east side of Highway 1 near Corona Road. | |
Description of Project | The proposed project involves a wastewater service extension to the Corona Road area of Carmel Highlands. The proposed project would involve the formation of an assessment district, installation of a new wastewater transmission pipeline, and construction of an associated pump station (Figures 1-3). The proposed project would result in the installation of three separate gravity mains and a total of 4,400 feet of new pipeline. The proposed project's pump station would have the capacity to pump up to 0.01 million-gallons-per day (MGD) of wastewater. All pipeline components of the proposed project would be located underground. The proposed project does not include any wastewater connections to individual parcels. |
March 2022 | Carmel Meadows Sewer Replacement Project |
The proposed project is located on the northern edge of the Carmel Meadows Subdivision, which includes approximately 150 homes, some of which overlook the Pacific Ocean to the west while others overlook the Carmel River Lagoon to the north. | |
The proposed project uses a small lift station and a series of four small residential scale sewage pumps to enable the use/reuse of accessible, and less environmentally damaging pipeline alignments through the backyards of the residences being served. A 12-inch wide trench would be dug with a small excavator to about three-feet deep, typically (maximum depth is five feet). Impacts to residential landscaping would be avoided where possible and/or restored to original or better condition. In areas where the alignment is beyond the fenced parcel, native vegetation would also be restored with native seeding and erosion best management practices installed on steeper slopes as needed. There is no expansion of sewer capacity and the new sewer line would continue to serve the same residents in the Carmel Meadows neighborhood as are served by the existing system. |
June 2021 | CRFREE Mitigation Pipeline Undergrounding Project |
The purpose of the project is to replace existing wastewater pipelines that currently span the south arm of the Carmel River Lagoon with new pipelines installed deep below the bed of the lagoon so that they would not be subject to damage by increased river flows in the south arm created by the CRFREE project being proposed by Monterey County. The new pipelines are proposed to be installed under the lagoon by means of horizontal directional drilling installation methods in order to minimize the amount of ground disturbance required to install replacement pipelines. Once the new pipelines are installed and connected to the existing pipes on either side of the lagoon, the existing aerial pipe structure crossing over the south arm of the Carmel River Lagoon will be removed. |
January 2021 | Eucalyptus Pruning |
Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD) proposes to prune existing eucalyptus trees at the CAWD Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The pruning is being done to control the growth of the trees and to mitigate falling branches. The existing eucalyptus trees have the potential to fall or drop debris which could damage existing wastewater treatment plant infrastructure. Where eucalyptus trees are spreading new seedlings, new eucalyptus trees would be removed as part of the work to avoid propagation of this non-native species. There are a total of approximately ninety (90) full grown eucalyptus trees surrounding the WWTP. The existing eucalyptus trees were planted during the 1980’s to create a visual screen around the existing wastewater treatment plant. Many of the existing trees have grown to be much higher than they need to be to screen the existing facility. Existing eucalyptus trees around the WWTP range from about 75 to 90 feet tall. CAWD proposes to prune the trees to 42 feet tall along the Southern boundary of the WWTP, and 52 feet tall along the Westerly side of the Northern property line. |
January 2021 | WWTP Electrical/Mechanical Rehab and Sludge Holding Tank Replacement Project |
Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD) proposes to conduct rehabilitation of several areas of the wastewater treatment plant to maintain the facilities in good operating condition. The project involves replacement of select electrical and mechanical equipment with in-kind or substantially similar equipment. The new equipment will be installed to serve the existing Influent Pump Station, Headworks, Chlorination Building, and Effluent Pump Station. Not all equipment in these areas is being replaced, and no changes are being made to the existing building structures. The project also includes demolition of three existing sludge tanks and a small storage building, and the installation of one new sludge tank in the location of one demolished tank. The new tank storage capacity will be about 75,000 gallons. The three sludge tanks being demolished are about 70,000 gallons, 188,000 gallons, and 70,000 gallons respectively. Detailed design plans and specifications can be obtained by emailing downstream@cawd.org with a request for design documents. |
October 2020 | Rancho Cañada Sewer Replacement |
The project would replace an existing CAWD sewer main, which would serve to upsize and upgrade the existing pipeline to address capacity issues to handle current flows and address surcharging. The project includes the installation and operation of a total of 4,240 linear feet (LF) of pipeline, the majority of which would be located alongside the existing alignment. Replacement of the sewer main would include 3,120 LF of 15-inch gravity sewer main, 330 LF of 15-inch sewer main truss, and 790 LF of 8-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer main. The replacement pipeline location would generally coincide with the existing pipeline location but would be up to 100 feet apart in some areas. Additional improvements include two new 8-inch stub-outs that would be installed at intermediate manholes to provide future service for a public restroom at Palo Corona Regional Park and an emergency services staging area. A 15-inch plugged connection and 5-foot long capped segment of 15-inch diameter sewer would be provided for future connection/rerouting of wastewater flows, and the existing 10-inch diameter manhole outlet plugged. Sewer lateral connections to the existing sewer main would be reconnected to the new sewer main |
September 2021 | Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Main Extension |
The project would extend sewer service to the existing Carmel Valley Manor senior living facility. The project includes the installation and operation of approximately 9,900 linear feet (LF) of 8-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gravity sewer main, approximately 900 LF of 6-inch diameter force main, concrete manholes, and a 250 gallon per minute wastewater pump station. From the proposed gravity-fed sewer, wastewater would be pumped by the proposed pump station into the proposed force main, discharging to the existing collection system at the west abutment of the County Bridge 500 crossing over the Carmel River on Valley Greens Drive. Wastewater would be conveyed through the existing collection system to the CAWD Water Pollution Control Plant. The wastewater pump station would be a small (approximately 1,600 square feet) fully developed municipal site, equipped with a back-up generator; new electrical service; wet well with submersible wastewater pumps; pipes, valves, etc.; electrical and communications facilities; pumps control unit; and surface improvements. These pumps would be placed underground, submerged in a wet well. A 10-foot access driveway to the pump station would be located between two existing trees. | |
July 2020 | 2021 Annexation Project |
The proposed project is the 2020 CAWD Sphere of Influence (SOI) Amendment and Annexation in accordance with relevant codes and ordinances of the District, local jurisdictions, and the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000. The project area includes all CAWD’s current jurisdictional boundaries in Monterey County, California and the areas being considered for SOI amendment and annexation; project areas include portions of the unincorporated communities of Carmel Valley and Carmel Highlands. The project proposes annexation of approximately 925 acres of developed land, outside of the current CAWD SOI, in locations where the District either anticipates, or has received applications for, near-term sewer service connection requests. This acreage includes approximately 220 acres outside the District’s SOI but previously identified as “Future Study Area” located within the Carmel Highlands. The project actions identified above would result in the extension of the jurisdictional boundaries of the District to allow for future wastewater service extension in this area. For questions on the project: contact: Rachél Lather, MS, PE, Principal Engineer, Carmel Area Wastewater District (831) 624-1248 ex. 203. |
October 2018 | Hatton Canyon Sewer Repair/Replacement Project |
Upgrade of an existing Sewer Line in Hatton Canyon. The project involves trenchless construction (pipe bursting) of an existing 8" vitrified clay pipe with a 10" high density polyethylene pipe to improve reliability of the pipeline which is in an area prone to erosion from heavy rainstorms. |