Tours, Education and the Environment
Here at CAWD we are very proud of how we close the environmental loop wherever possible. We protect the Bay while turning wastewater into new water supplies for the peninsula; we process our solids to make electricity for our plant; and we turn our solids into fertilizer for farms.

We offer tours, classroom presentations and information on how we increase water supplies, generate electricity and produce valuable fertilizer for crops. Just click below to find out more!
The District also participates in numerous efforts to engage the public in understanding wastewater and the proper disposal of assorted materials that can impact the treatment facility. The efforts range from multi-organizational Peninsula-wide efforts, to tours of the facility, to a vigorous source control program aimed at educating businesses in our service area on what should or should not go down the drains. All District employees are involved in education efforts, from answering questions over the phone to the line crews in the field informing residents of the work we do. Just ask!