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District Ordinances & Resolutions


The most recent CAWD Ordinance was approved on June 27, 2024 at the District's monthly regular Board Meeting. 

Fical Year 2024-25 (July 1,2024 to June 30,2025)

ORDINANCE 2024-01 Sewer Service Charges Fiscal Year 2024-25.pdf


Fiscal Year 2023-24 (July 1, 2023 to June 30,2024)

Ordinance 2023-01 Establishing Sewer Service Charges For Fiscal Year 2023-24.pdfOrdinance 2023-02 Enacting A Code of Ordinances For The District, Revising, Amending, Restating, Codifying & Compiling Certain Existing General Ordinances.pdf

Fiscal Year 2022-23:

Ordinance 2022-03 Establishing Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Sewer Service Charges.pdf


Ordinance 2022-02 Pretreatment of Wastewater As Amended .pdfEXHIBIT A - ORDINANCE 2022-02 Pretreatment Ordinance.pdf


 ORDINANCE 2021-03 was repealed on 3-31-22 and replaced with ORDINANCE 2022-02 (as amended):

The most recent CAWD Ordinance was approved on September 30, 2021 at the District's monthly regular Board Meeting. 

ORD 2022-01 Repealing ORD 2021-03 Pretreatment of WW & Adopting a New & Revised ORD as Amended.pdfORD 2022-01 EXHIBIT A - Pretreatment Ordinance-Final.pdf

ORDINANCE 2021-03 was repealed on 1-27-22 and replaced with ORDINANCE 2022-01 (as amended):

ORD 2021-03 Pretreatment Ordinance.pdfOrdinance 2021-02 Establishing sewer service charges & collection of those charges through the County annual tax roll

 Approved on March 25, 2021 at the District's monthly regular Board Meeting. 

Ordinance 2021-01 Implementation of regulations regarding reimbursement ORD 2021-01 Attachment Reimbursement Fees Excess Capacity Policy.pdf



June 27, 2024 Approved Resolutions



May 30,2024 Approved Resolution

Resolution 2024-26 Designating Class and Title Salary Ranges-Represented Employees.pdfResolution 2024-27 Adopting Fiscal Year 2024-25 Reclamation Budget.pdfResolution 2024-28 Contract With Kennedy Jenks Reclamation Project $349K.pdfResolution 2024-29 Resolution Ordering an Election.pdfResolution 2024-30 A Resolution Authorizing Contract Amendment MNS Engineers-$19,501 Scenic Road Monitoring.pdfResolution 2024-31 Smartcovers Hadronex Inc $56K.pdfResolution 2024-32 Agreement Parkson Corporation DynaSand-$150K.pdf


April 25,2024 Approved Resolution

Resolution 2024-21 Accepting Vactor Receiving Station Award To MPE $323,250.pdfResolution 2024-22 Execute Amended Contract-Kennedy Jenks Vactor Receiving Station $87,090.pdfResolution 2024-23 Enter Into A Contract With Pipe-Hunter For A Sewer Cleaning Truck $302,013 .pdfResolution 2024-24 Amending Vehicle Policy Eliminating Traffic & Parking Violation Penalties.pdfResolution 2024-25 Enter Into A Professional Service Agreement With Enterprise Automation $150K.pdf


March 28,2024 Approved Resolution

Resolution No. 2024-19 Adopting Reclamation Audit 06-30-23.pdfResolution No. 2024-20 Approving CalPers Unfunded Accrued Liability.pdf

February 29,2024 Approved Resolutions

Resolution No. 2024-10 Adopting A Conflict Of Interest Code.pdfResolution No. 2024-11 Adopting Amended Union Memorandum Of Understanding.pdfResolution No. 2024-12 Designating Class and Title Salary Ranges-Represented Employees.pdfResolution No. 2024-13 Designating Class and Title Salary Ranges-Non-Represented Employees..pdfResolution No. 2024-14 Specifying The District Sewer Connection Fees, As Adopted By Ordinance 85-2, Commencing March 1, 2024.pdfResolution No. 2024-15 Adopting Amended Expense Reimbursement & Travel Policy.pdfResolution No. 2024-16 Authorize Professional Service Amendment Agreement MNS Engineering $37,728.pdfResolution No. 2024-17 Approving The Purchase of Metrohm ION Chromatography $66,196.30.pdfResolution No. 2024-18 Authorize General Manager To Purchase Stand By Generator -Hacienda Pump Station $82,800.pdf


February 22, 2024 Approved Resolution

Resolution No 2024-09 Execute Agreement Jones Hall Bound Counsel-Corona Road.pdf


January 25,2024 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2024-01 Designating Class and Title Salary Ranges-Non-Represented Employees.pdfResolution 2024-02 Designating Class and Title Salary Ranges-Represented Employees.pdfResolution 2024-03 Invitation To Bid Vactor Receiving Station.pdfResolution 2024-04 Notice of Intent Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration Scenic Road #20-08.pdfResolution 2024-05 Contract Human Resource Services -Beth Ingram Fiscal Year 2023-24, $71,660.pdfResolution 2024-06 Circulate Request For Proposal-Employee Defined Benefit Pension Plan.pdfResolution 2024-07 Circulate Request For Proposal-Executive Coaching.pdf


December 12,2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-67 Contract With Rockwell Solutions Sewage Bypass Pump-$82,842.51.pdfResolution 2023-68 Authorizing Changes To Job Description & Range For The Board Clerk.pdfResolution 2023-69 Authorizing Changes To Management Group Salary Table.pdfResolution 2023-70 Amended Resolution Authorizing Changes To The Job Description Title & Salary Table-Chief Engineer.pdfResolution 2023-71 Updating Designated Classification Table.pdfResolution 2023-72 Selection of President, Pro Tem & Board Clerk, Board Clerk Pro Tem.pdfResolution 2023-73 Authorizing Local Funding Bridge To Everywhere $100K .pdfResolution 2023-74 Accepting Notice of Completion Lorca Lane.pdfResolution 2023-75 Amending Resolution 2023-61 Approving Preliminary Engineer's Assessment District 23-01-Corona Road.pdfResolution 2023-76 Recognizing Rachel Lather For 5 years of Public Service To The District.pdf


November 7,2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-65 Recognition of Greg D'Ambrosio's 15 years of service.pdfResolution 2023-66 Confirming Resignation of Greg D'Ambrosio & Appointing Suzanne Cole November 7,2023.pdf


October 26, 2023 Approved Resolution

Resolution 2023-37 Intention To Make Acquisition and Improvements Sanitary Sewer System-Corona Road No. 23-01.pdfResolution 2023-58 MNS Contract Amendment No. 2 Impact Report-Pescadero $298,884.pdfResolution 2023-59 Hire Annuitant Rachel Lather Up to 960 Hours.pdfResolution 2023-61 Approving Preliminary Engineering Report Corona Road No. 23-01.pdfResolution 2023-62 General Manager To Purchase Truck Fiscal year 2023-2024 $65K.pdfResolution 2023-63 Authorizing A Contract Websoft Developers $85.8K.pdfResolution 2023-64 Authorization To Enter Into A Memorandum Of Agreement With CCLEAN.pdf


September 28, 2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-55 Professional Service Agreement TBC Communication-Carmel Meadows $20K.pdfResolution 2023-56 Authorizing Job Descriptions For Plant Engineer & Engineering Technical Services Manager.pdfResolution 2023-57 Clarifying Denise Duffy Contract Amendments For Corona Road To Be Reimbursed Via Bond Proceeds.pdf


August 31, 2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-53 Accepting The Notice of Completion 20222-2023 Spot Repair Project No. 23-02.pdfResolution 2023-54 Authorizing Annual Adjustment Of The Reserve fund Balance Transfer.pdf


August 1,2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-50 Professional Service Agreement TBC Communications-Pescadero $20K-.pdfResolution 2023-51 Contract Engagement Carollo Engineering Consultant-Carmel Meadows $150K-.pdfResolution 2023-52 Engineering Consultant To Provide Third Party Peer Review-Carmel Meadows Project $100K.pdf


July 27,2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-43 Mutual Assistance Agreement With Marina Coast Water District.pdfResolution 2023-44 Professional Service Agreement-Currie Engineers $105,360.pdfResolution 2023-45 Memorandum of Agreement Central Coast Long Term Environmental Network.pdfResolution 2023-46 Condition Assessment Lift Stations-West Yost $89,900.pdfResolution 2023-47 United Public Employees California Letter of Agreement.pdfResolution 2023-48 CalPERS Contribution $100K-Transfer of All Funds Into Strategy 2.pdfResolution 2023-49 Amended Professional Service Agreement-Fats, Oils & Grease- with TBC Communications $20K-.pdf


June 29,2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-31 Ratifying The Action of General Manager To Contract with ENGEO $37K.pdfResolution 2023-32 Certifying Compliance With State Law Levying Of Taxes, Assessments & Related Fees & Charges.pdfResolution 2023-33 Determining The Fiscal Year 2023-24 Tax Proceeds Limitation For The District.pdfResolution 2023-34 Adopting Budget For The Fiscal Year 2023-24.pdfResolution 2023-35 Approving Contribution of $100,000 To CalPERs Section 115 -Transfer of All Strategy 2 Funds to Strategy 1 Funds.pdfResolution 2023-36 Requesting Approval By The County of Monterey (DRAFT Resolution 2023-37) -Boundary Map-Proposed District Assessment District 23-01 Corona Road Sewer Extension Project.pdfResolution DRAFT 2023-37 Intention To Make Acquisitions & Improvements For the Proposed Carmel Area Wastewater District Assessment Project 23-01 Corona Road Sanitary Sewer System.pdfResolution 2023-38 Ratifying Amendment To Existing Professional Service Agreement - Johnson Marigot $50,666 CRFREE.pdfResolution 2023-39 Tabled -Approving A Contribution of $1M To the Defend Or Managed Retreat Reserve.pdfResolution 2023-40 Designated Classification Titles & Salary Positions.pdfResolution 2023-41 Specifying The District Sewer Connection Fees, As Adopted By Ordinance 85-2, Commencing July 1,2023.pdfResolution 2023-42 Authorizing Contract with Kennedy Jenks Condition Assessment -$72,705.pdf


May 25,2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-29 A Resolution Adopting The Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD)-Pebble Beach Community Service District (PBCSD) .pdfResolution 2023-30 Authorizing General Manager To Contract With Kennedy Jenks consultants-Engineering Services For The California River Watch Agreement-$135K.pdf


April 27,2023 No Resolutions On the Agenda

March 30, 2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-23 Awarding The 2023-2023 Pipeline Spot Repair to Rooter King $119K.pdfResolution 2023-24 Amend Contract with MPE Lorca Lane #22-07 Initial Work Performed $53,830.pdfResolution 2023-25 Adopt Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration & Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting-Approve Corona Road Sewer Extension Project #18-21.pdfResolution 2023-26 Authorize Contract with Denise Duffy Amendment No. 2 #18-21 Corona Road Sewer Extension $62,867.pdfResolution 2023-27 Adopting Amended Memorandum of Agreement -County of Monterey River Flood Plain Restoration Project.pdfResolution 2023-28 Adopting A Debt Management Policy In Compliance with Government Code Section 8855(i).pdf


February 23, 2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-10 Approve The Amended September Ranch (Carmel Reserve) Sewer Extension Pipeline Installation Agreement #18-29.pdfResolution 2023-11 Approve The Amended September Ranch (Carmel Reserve) Sewer Extension Easement Agreement #18-29.pdfResolution 2023-12 Authorizing General Manager To Enter Into A Contract With MNS $299,662-Construction Inspection-September Ranch (Carmel Reserve)#18-29.pdfResolution 2023-13 Reimbursement Resolution-Project $6M-State Water Board.pdfResolution 2023-14 Authorize General Manager -Financial Assistance Application-Corona Road Septic to Sewer Project.pdfResolution 2023-15 Ejector Pump Policy Moved to Future Board Meeting.pdfResolution 2023-16 Authorizing The General Manager Execute Professional Service-Kennedy Jenks -#22-03 $291K.pdfResolution 2023-17 Designated Classification Titles & Salary Positions.pdfResolution 2023-18 Authorize General Manager to Adopt Electric Vehicle Charging Policy.pdfResolution 2023-19 Authorizing General Manager To Act As Agent Governor's Office Emergency Services.pdfResolution 2023-20 Execution Of An Amendment Employees' Trust (Plan)-Ex A.pdf

March 13, 2023 Approved Resolutions -Special Meeting

Resolution 2023-21 Updated September Ranch (Carmel Reserve) Installation Agreement-Supercedes 2023-10.pdfResolution 2023-22 Approve the Revised September Ranch Sewer Extension Project Easement Agreement To Accept September Ranch (Carmel Reserve) Into the District-Supercedes 2023-11.pdf


January 26, 2023 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2023-01 Invite to Bid 2022-2023 Pipeline Spot Repair.pdfResolution 2023-02 Execute Contract Monterey Peninsula Engineering-Lorca Lane.pdfResolution 2023-03 Notice of Completion Project #21-06 Manhole Rehabilitation.pdfResolution 2023-04 Execute Contract MNS Engineers Santa Rita & Guadalupe Pipeline Rehabilitation.pdfResolution 2023-05 Amend MNS Engineers Contract-Ocean to Bay #20-08.pdfResolution 2023-06 Contract Coastal Paving & Excavating-Scenic Road.pdfResolution 2023-07 Contract Scinor Water America Microfiltration.pdfResolution 2023-08 Designating Classification Titles Salary Ranges.pdfResolution 2023-09 Amend Contract with The PUN Group Audit Services-GASB 84.pdf


December 8, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-64 Authorizing Biosolids Hauling Disposal ContractResolution 2022-65 Appointing President, President Pro tem & Secretary and Secretary Pro temResolution 2022-66 Adopting CAWD/PBCSD Reclamation Audit yrs Ended June 30, 2022 and 2021 Resolution 2022-67 Ratifying 5% Increase In Health Insurance Rates Split 50/50 Between Employees and District 


September 29, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-58 Authorizing Remote Teleconferencing September 30 to October 30.pdfResolution 2022-59 Adopting Addendum to Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration Carmel Valley Manor-#19-08.pdfResolution 2022-60 Approve Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Extension Project-Installation #19-08.pdfResolution 2022-61 Approve Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Extension Project-Easement #19-08.pdfResolution 2022-62 Approve General Manager to enter into Professional Service Agreement Denise Duffy & Associates-SRF Grant & Loan Corona Road-Project No. 18-21.pdfResolution 2022-63 Authorizing General Manager to Execute A Professional Service Agreement with Kennedy Jenks $281,981 - Project No. 22-05.pdf


August 25, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-54 Approving & Adopting The District Sewer System Managment Plan (SSMP)-As Amended-Authorizing General Manager To Certify The Plan.pdfResolution 2022-55 Authorizing Remote Teleconferencing August 30 to September 30.pdfResolution 2022-56 Authorizing General Manager To Execute Agreement with Beecher Engineering $43,890 Microfiltration & variable Frequency Drive Replacement.pdfRES 2022-57 Authorizing District Reserve Fund Balances Transferring of $3.8M to Capital Fund & $4.3M to Capital Fund From Operations & Maintenance Fund.pdf

 July 28, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-43 Authorizing General Manger To Enter Into Contract Mailey Electric Not To Exceed $120K.pdfResolution 2022-44 Revising The Fee For the Plumbing Permit-Inspection As Adopted by Ordinance No. 85-1 Effective 8-1-22.pdfResolution 2022-45 Authorizing General Manager To Invite Bids For Biosolids Hauling Services.pdfResolution 2022-46 Authorizing General Manager to Enter Into Service Agreement with Applied Marine Sciences, Inc. In an Amount Not To Exceed $37,290.pdf

Resolution 2022-47 Postponed- Regarding Request for Proposal For  A Sewer User Fee Rate Model Study

Resolution 2022-48 Authorize General Manager To Execute Agreement with Kennedy Jenks For A Vactor Receiving Station In An Amount Not To Exceed $140,950.00.pdfResolution 2022-49 Authorizing An Amendment No. 3 For Carmel Meadows Pipeline In An Amount Not To Exceed $126,270 with SRT, Inc..pdfResolution 2022-50 Authorizing General Manager To Amend A Contract With MNS Engineers To Complete Potholing for Pescadero Creek In An Amount Not To Exceed $44,478.pdfResolution 2022-51 Accepting the Lowest Responsible Bid for the 2022-2023 Manhole Rehabilitation Project Awarded to Express Sewer & Drain Inc..pdfResolution 2022-52 Amending The District Purchasing Policy To Authorize District Engineers With Purchasing Authority Up to $5K.pdfResolution 2022-53 Authorizing Remote Teleconferencing July 31 to August 30.pdf


June 30, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-27 Adopt Initial StudyMitigated Negative Declaration & MMRP #19-03 Carmel Meadows Project.pdfResolution 2022-28 Authorizing Remote Teleconferencing Jul 1 to July 30,2022 .pdfResolution 2022-29 Certifying Compliance With State Law Levying Of General & Special Taxes, Assessments & Property Related Fees.pdfResolution 2022-30 Determining The Fiscal Year 2022-203 Tax Proceeds Appropriation Limitation.pdfResolution 2022-31 Adopting Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget.pdfResolution 2022-32 Ratifying The Employee Memorandum Of Understanding June 30,2022 Effective July 1,2022.pdfResolution 2022-33 Designating Classification Titles & Providing For the Number of Positions & Monthly Salary.pdfResolution 2022-34 Approving Contribution of $1 Million To The Defend or Managed Retreat Restricted Reserve Fiscal Year 2022-2023.pdfResolution 2022-35 Approving the Contribution of $100,000 To CalPers Section 115 Account Fiscal Year 2022-2023.pdfResolution 2022-36 Authorizing The General Manager To Enter Into A Contract Beth Ingram for Human Resource Services-$68,250.pdfResolution 2022-37 Amended Contract- Applied Marine Sciences for CCLEAN-$8,582.pdfRES 2022-38 Authorizing General Manager to Execute A Professional Service Agreement Perimeter Fence-Kennedy Jenks-$52,870.pdfResolution 2022-39 Authorizing Additional Change Order Budget For Sulfuric Acid & Citric Acid Storage-$58,273.95.pdfResolution 2022-40 Accepting Completed Project & Directing General Manager to File Notice of Completion 2022 Manhole Frame & Lid Project.pdfResolution 2022-41 AuthorizingThe General Manager To Invite Bids for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Manhole Rehabilitation Project.pdfResolution 2022-42 Adopting The 2022 Monterey County Multi-Jurisdicational Hazard Mitigation Plan .pdf


May 26, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-15 Authorizing Professional Services Agreement Alternative Relocation Planning Assistance - Greeley and Hansen $251,705.09.pdfResolution 2022-24 Authorizing Remote Teleconferencing May 31 to June 30-Govenor's Order#N-25-20 .pdfResolution 2022-25 Adopting CAWD and PBCSD Fiscal Year 2022-23 Reclamation Project Budget.pdfResolution 2022-26 Specifying Sewer Connection and Annexation Fees Adopted Ordinance 85-2-Commencing 6-1-22.pdf


April 28, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-18 Accepting Lowest Responsible Bid 2022 Manhole Frame & Lid Replacement Project-Coastal Paving $58,485.pdfResolution 2022-19 Accepting The Completed Project & Directing General Manager To File A Notice of Completion-2021 Pipeline Spot Repairs Project .pdfResolution 2022-20 Authorizing Remote Teleconferencing May 1 to May 30-Govenor's Order#N-25-20.pdfResolution 2022-21 Ordering An Election, Requesting The County Elections Department To Conduct The Elections, & Requesting Consolidation of the Election.pdfResolution 2022-22 Authorizing The General Manager To Use District Funds To Pay for An Amendment to the Engineering Contract for the Formation of A Sewer Assessment District-#18-21-$4,500.pdfResolution 2022-23 Authorizing The General Manager To Enter Into Contract Amendment No.1 with Monterey Bay Engineers-#18-21-$4,500.pdf


March 31, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-11 Authorizing General Manager To Invite Bids For Construction-2022 Manhole Frame and Lid Project.pdfResolution 2022-12 Accepting Completed Project and Directing General Manager to File Notice of Completion-Upper Rancho Canada Pipeline Relocation #19-13.pdfResolution 2022-13 Approving a Notice of Intent To Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration For Carmel Meadows Sewer Replacement Project-#19-03.pdfResolution 2022-14 Accepting The Completed Project & Directing General Manager to File Notice of Completion-Dougherty Place Emergency.pdf

Resolution 2022-15 will be moved to the Sea Level Rise Committee and brought back the Board at the April 28th meeting

Resolution 2022-16 Approving The Amended Job Description For a Full-Time Collection-Maintenance Utility Worker I at Range 6.pdfResolution 2022-17 Authorizing Remote Teleconferencing April 1-30-Governor's Order#N-25-20 .pdf


February  24, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-08 Approving Capital Expenditure for Reclamation Project purchase of 63 Reverse Osmosis MembranesResolution 2022-09 Designation of Classification Titles, Number of Positions and Monthly Salary Ranges for Employees Resolution 2022-10 Approving the Recruitment and Hire of a Full-Time Collections Maintenance Utility Worker I


January  27, 2022 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2022-01 Authorizing General Manager to Execute Quitclaim Deed Relinquishing District Rights to a Utility Easement located at No. 279 Descanso Oak Estates Resolution 2022-02 Authorizing the General Manager to Amend the MNS Contract for Project #20-08 Scenic to Bay for $189,621Resolution 2022-03 Authorizing the GM to Amend the Rincon Contract for Project #19-13 Upper Rancho Cañada for $87,398Resolution 2022-04 Authorizing the GM to Amend the PSOMAS Contract for Project #19-13 Upper Rancho Cañada for $60,000Resolution 2022-05 CAWD Agreement with the PUN Group for Audit Services for FY 2021-2024 for $69,699Resolution 2022-06 CAWD-Reclamation Agreement with the Pun Group for Audit Services for FY 2021-2024 for $52,081Resolution 2022-07 Authorizing the GM to Execute an Emergency Contract with Mocon Corp. for Dougherty Place for $86,435


December 30, 2021 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2021-64 Authorizing a contract with Frisch Engineering for $161,395 for Project #18-01Resolution 2021-65 Authorizing the updated job description and recruitment for PPAC positionResolution 2021-66 Approving an Amendment to the Pretreatment Ordinance No. 2021-03 Section 8Resolution 2021-67 Approving the agreement and election to prefund a defined benefit pension planResolution 2021-68 Approving a Delegation of Authority and Certification of Funding PolicyResolution 2021-69 Approving an increase in health insurance rates effective 1-1-2022

 November 18, 2021 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2021-61 Adopting the CAWD PBCSD Reclamation Audit for FY ending 6-30-2021Resolution 2021-62 Authorizing the GM to contract with MSC Frisch Engineering for Reclamation SCADA Migration for FY 21-22 for $139,000Resolution 2021-63 Selecting the Board President, Pro-Tem & Board Secretary effective 12-30-2021

 October 28, 2021 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2021-57 Authorizing the GM to amend the contract with SRT for Project #19-03 Carmel Meadows for $29,700Resolution 2021-58 Authorizing the GM to amend the contract with MNS for Project #20-08 Scenic Road Coastal Permitting for $72,455Resolution 2021-59 Authorizing the GM to amend the contract with MNS for Project #19-13 Upper Rancho Cañada for additional engineering services for $15,215Resolution 2021-60 Local Emergency Proclamation for teleconferencing continuance and Brown Act modifications until November 28, 2021

September 30, 2021 Approved Resolutions

Resolution 2021-53 Authorizing the GM to contract with MNS for $202,921Resolution 2021-54 Accepting the bid from Topes for Project #21-01 Eucalyptus Pruning for $92,000Resolution 2021-55 Authorizing the GM to amend the contract with MNS for Project $20-08 for $48,000Resolution 2021-56 Local Emergency Proclamation for teleconference continuance and Brown Act modifications until October 30, 2021

August 26, 2021 Approved Resolutions: 

Resolution 2021-47 Acceptance of bid for Project #21-02 for $136,000Resolution 2021-48 Authorizing the GM to amend the contract with MNS for $32,690Resolution 2021-49 Adopting the ISMND and MMRP for Project #19-21Resolution 2021-50 Acceptance of bid for Project #18-26 for $377,000Resolution 2021-51 Authorizing the annual adjustment of the O&M Fund balanceResolution 2021-52 Approving the CAWD COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

July 29, 2021 Approved Resolutions: 

Resolution 2021-38 Authorizing the GM to contract with Mailey Electric for FY 2021-2022 for $141,000Resolution 2021-39 Accepting the Lowest Responsible & Responsive Bidder #18-01 Clark Bros. $7,291,500Resolution 2021-40 Authorizing the GM to execute an agreement with Currie Engineers for $549,122Resolution 2021-41 Authorizing the GM to execute an agreement with Kennedy Jenks for Project #18-01 for $700,801Resolution 2021-42 Authorizing the GM to amend the contract with Johnson Marigot for Project #19-21 CRFREE for $40,000Resolution 2021-43 Authorizing the GM to invite bids for Project #21-01 Eucalyptus PruningResolution 2021-44 Revising the fee for plumbing permits for FY 2021-2022 per Ordinance 85-1Resolution 2021-45 Authorizing the GM to amend the contract with MNS for Project #19-13 Upper Rancho Cañada for $10,965Resolution 2021-46 Authorizing the GM to contract with Mahoney & Associates for real estate services for $75,000

 June 24, 2021 Approved Resolutions: 

Resolution 2021-27 Certifying compliance of state law of levying of taxes & feesResolution 2021-28 Determination of FY 21-22 Tax Proceeds Appropriations LimitationsResolution 2021-29 Adoption of the Budget for FY 21-22Resolution 2021-30 Designation of employee classification titles, number of positions and monthly salary rangesResolution 2021-31 Approval of the annual $1m contribution to the Defend or Managed Retreat Reserve FundResolution 2021-32 Authorization of a contract with Beth Ingram for HR servicesResolution 2021-33 Authorizing a contract with Applied Marine Services for CCLEAN program for 2 yearsResolution 2021-34 Rejection of all previous bids and authorization to invite rebids for Project #21-02Resolution 2021-35 Authorization of invitation of bids for construction of Project #18-26Resolution 2021-36 Authorization of a contract with Trussell Technologies

 May 27, 2021 Approved Resolutions: 

Resolution 2021-25 Adoption of the CAWD/PBCSD FY 21-22 Reclamation BudgetResolution 2021-26 Establishing District sewer connection and annexation fees

April 29, 2021 Approved Resolutions: 

Resolution 2021-15 Bid invite for Project #21-02 Resolution 2021-16 Authorization to enter into agreements with residents for Project #18-21Resolution 2021-17 Contract authorization with MBE for Project #18-21Resolution 2021-18 Contract authorization with DD&A for Project #18-21Resolution 2021-19 Adoption of MND & MMRP for Project #20-01Resolution 2021-20 Authorization for NOI to adopt MND for Project #19-21Resolution 2021-21 Authorization to amend the contract with Kennedy Jenks for Project #18-01Resolution 2021-22 Bid invite for Project #18-01Resolution 2021-24 Amended negotiation deadline for Project #19-13

March 25,2021 Approved Resolutions:

Resolution 2021-09 Acceptance of bid for Project #19-13Resolution 2021-13 Contract authorization for Project #20-07 Resolution 2021-14 Contract authorization for Project #19-21 

February 25,2021 Approved Resolutions:

Resolution 2021-10 Authorization to amend the contract with SRT for Project #19-03Resolution 2021-11 Contract authorization with MNS for Project #20-08Resolution 2021-12 Authorization to amend the CAWD employees pension trust

January 28,2021 Approved Resolutions:

Resolution 2021-01 Ratifying the recommendation of the Salary & Benefits Committee to split health insurance 50-50Resolution 2021-02 Accepting the results of the Section 115 Trust request for proposalsResolution 2021-04 Adopting a MND and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for Project #18-01Resolution 2021-05 Authorizing a contract with Rincon for Project #19-13 for $282,000Resolution 2021-06 Authorizing the GM to contract with MNS for Project #19-13 Upper Rancho Cañada for $18,800Resolution 2021-07 Accepting a Notice of Completion for Project #18-17Resolution 2021-08 Accepting a Notice of Completion for Project #18-17 - Wetland creation


If you have any questions regarding any of our Ordinances or Resolutions please call us or email us at

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