Plumbing Permits
Plumbing Permits issued by CAWD are required for plumbing work within CAWD jurisdiction including the following:
1) Private Sewer Laterals (outside building footprint to CAWD mainline, including wye connection)
2) Commercial Kitchen Drainage Fixtures and associated Grease Traps/Interceptors (includes plumbing inside the building from kitchen drainage fixtures)
Application Process
Please bring completed Application Form to 3945 Rio Rd.
Plans are required to be submitted for any new laterals where no previous lateral existed, major remodel projects, or new grease trap installations.
Application Form
Application for Plumbing Permit
If the property is not already connected to the CAWD system refer the New Sewer Connection Permits page for additional application requirements.
Basic permit on property, non-street opening - $130
Street opening or full lateral replacement - $250
Typical CAWD Standard Details
Standard Lateral DrawingsTrench Detail.pdf
Insurance Requirements for Plumbing Permits
Required insurance documents for issuance of plumbing permits
Full Standard Plans and Specifications for Private and Public Sewer Construction
Standard Plans and Specifications (ORD 19-02).pdfCAWD Uniform Plumbing Ordinance (ORD 24-02).pdf