Disinfection (Chlorination/Dechlorination) Structure
CAWD uses liquid chlorine for disinfection. The disinfection structure is located along the westerly boundary of the plant. Equipment housed in this structure include:
Chlorine cylinder storage room:
2 – Chlorinators, 2000 lbs/day, automatic control;
2 – Chlorine residual analyzers;
1 – Sodium bisulfite bulk storage tank;
2 – Sodium bisulfite metering pumps;
3 – Sample pumps;
3 – No. 3 water pumps and hydropneumatic tank;
1 – Effluent flow meter;
1 – Chlorine flash mixer;
1 – Chlorine leak detector and an Effluent sampler;
The chlorine contact tanks are located below grade, beneath the Chlorination/Dechlorination Structure.
The Chlorination System is used to disinfect treated effluent, for odor control at the Influent Pumping Station and Headworks, and to control bulking in the Activated Sludge System.