Sewer lateral inspection and replacement ordinance
District Ordinance

In the spring of 2019 the District Board of Directors passed a new ordinance to comply with updates in the State Uniform Plumbing Code. The goals are: (1) to reduce inflows ("infiltration") into damaged sewer laterals from irrigation, rain and high groundwater; and, (2) to reduce surface overflows and back ups into buildings caused by blockages in the laterals (pipe damage, clogs and obstructions).
How it Works
Starting in May 2019, the ordinance requires that upon a sale of the property, or a remodel of more than $50,000, the existing lateral must be inspected via video to verify that it is in acceptable condition. This can be waived if it can be shown the entire lateral has been replaced in the last 10 years.

Video inspections will also be required if there have been two lateral overflows in one year or any overflow reaching the public right of way.
The inspection needs to be completed by a licensed plumbing contractor who will submit a Sanitary Sewer Lateral Inspection Report Form to the District. This will be reviewed by the District Engineer who will determine if the lateral passes inspection. If it fails inspection, the lateral will be required to be replaced or repaired to meet the new requirements. The District does not charge a fee for this program.

The Board also passed an ordinance authorizing penalties if a property fails to meet the new standards.
This type of ordinance has been implemented throughout the State by other districts and cities including the cities of Pacific Grove and Monterey. The District is conducting public outreach to the Monterey County Association of Realtors, local plumbers, contractors, building inspectors and interested individuals.
Download Documents
Please use links below to download the documents referenced above:
ORD 2019-01 Uniform Plumbing OrdinanceORD 2019-02 Standard Plans and SpecificationsORD 2019-03 Administrative Penalties OrdinanceCAWD Ordinance Clarification Letter (June 2019)Sewer Lateral Inspection Report Form.pdfTransfer of Responsibility - Sewer Lateral inspection/workRequest for extension of time Form letter-Fillable.pdfIf you have any questions about this ordinance, please contact Daryl Lauer, Collections Superintendent, at (831) 257-0434.